Monday, December 22, 2014

Life is too short to go around with hands that look like pork chops

I know it might sound incredible but up to a couple of years ago I used to majorly bite my nails, I sure did. But one day, I don't even know why, I just stopped and now my beloved nails look like this; and I'm kinda obsessed with them.
And since apparently nobody believes it, YES THEY ARE MINE. I have to say that I'm absolutely against fake nails because, I mean, it's laziness.
As far as I'm concerned it's all a matter of motivation and patience, because if you want, you can.
Yes I know that we usually want to see the results of the majority of our actions immediately, but sometimes it's just worth waiting.
Life is too short to go around with hands that look like pork chops and everybody knows that hands are a sort of "business card" when it comes to public relations; especially for us Italians that tend to gesticulate even when we're talking to ourselves. So girls, you better start working on those nails because, even if the process might not be that short, the outcome will be fabulous.

Stay tuned for more.